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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wild Animal Park

We went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park for their Pumpkins at the Park Festivities
She was trying to convince that duck that it needed to go in the water with its family. When it finally did she said "Hooray, Good Job Duck!"
Kaia by the ducks
Trying to drive the boats in the pond
A happy Mikey

Crafts at the park the kids got to decorate trick or treat bags then go on a scavenger hunt to find candy around the zoo.

Daddy helping

We also made spiders and a web

The serious Mikey he has a cold right now so he is not in the best of moods

They did the crafts right by the large Nile Monitors who were sleeping. Kaia tried to tell us to SHHHHH! the lizards are sleeping.

Not so sure about the spider we just made

Very proud of her pipe cleaner twisting abilities