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Monday, September 21, 2009


So I don't know if anyone has ever read the book "Ella Sarah Gets Dressed". But today I was reminded of it by Kaia. It is one of Kaia's favorite books and here you can see why. Today she decided that the most fashionable thing to wear would be her white cloth diaper, one and only one rainbow leg warmer, and her navy blue shoes on the wrong feet. Which was necessary for the outfit to be just right.

Wrong feet

Its even prettier upside down

Trying to convince me that baby brother agrees it is the perfect outfit

This was our compromise. I told her she needed to wear clothes this is what she chose. And since we couldn't find the match to that rainbow leg warmer. She found another pair well two pairs to be exact and they were both so equally beautiful they both had to be worn.

She was still a bit upset she was not able to wear her first "outfit" out in public. I assured her someday she would thank me. But obviously not today. And maybe not ever since I am posting pictures of on the blog. =)

Friday, September 18, 2009

L' Shanah Tovah

We went to Temple for Sukkot and helped decorate the Sukkah

L' Shanah Tovah (Happy New Year) for those of you who do not know it is the Jewish New Year
We had a playdate with the Jewish mommy's group. We had apple and honey tasting. Traditional for a sweet New Year. Wildflower was the preferred honey over clover, and orange blossom. And kaia decided the green apples were the yummiest.

We also made Shofar's. Shofars are ram's horns that are blown to mark the beginning of the New Year. Our's were paper shaped horns with party blowers inside they actually did sound pretty accurate though =)

And we made apple prints. I ended up using stencils instead of real apples. Next year maybe we will use real apples.

And Kaia handed mikey her Princess wand he really enjoyed holding on to it

King Mikey with his princess wand

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Tastey Polar Bear Encounter

Are Polar bears delicious?
Yes, yes they are.

Sugar Cookies

We made sugar cookies today for our playdate tomorrow at Angela's.

Of course Kaia had to decorate and try one. Just to make sure they were good=)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Early Reader

While I was making dinner Kaia pulled this book off the bookcase and started "reading" it.

Bowers Kidseum

We went to The Bowers Kidseum and Kaia made a clay horsie

And a bowl for Daddy

She loved the russian Dolls she spent 15 minutes there alone playing with all the different Russian dolls

She also enjoyed the dress up area

And the chairs she loved these chairs. She took them around the room and tried to find different uses for them.

The Zebra mask was a huge hit with Kaia also

The music display was so much fun.

Kaia and Shayna

Kaia and Gavin