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Friday, September 18, 2009

L' Shanah Tovah

We went to Temple for Sukkot and helped decorate the Sukkah

L' Shanah Tovah (Happy New Year) for those of you who do not know it is the Jewish New Year
We had a playdate with the Jewish mommy's group. We had apple and honey tasting. Traditional for a sweet New Year. Wildflower was the preferred honey over clover, and orange blossom. And kaia decided the green apples were the yummiest.

We also made Shofar's. Shofars are ram's horns that are blown to mark the beginning of the New Year. Our's were paper shaped horns with party blowers inside they actually did sound pretty accurate though =)

And we made apple prints. I ended up using stencils instead of real apples. Next year maybe we will use real apples.

And Kaia handed mikey her Princess wand he really enjoyed holding on to it

King Mikey with his princess wand