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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Irish Festival

Ready to go after a fun day. I have to say this was the best year yet the weather was so fantastic. Kaia had such a great time. Although we didn't dress her up this year, next year we Will have to get extra fancy to make up for it =)
Mikey taking a little nap
Kaia walked down tot he sheep and pet them. I wasn't fast enough to get a picture though.

I had no idea there was a playground at the Irish Festival. leave it to Kaia to find it!

Of course she went on the swings Kaia's absolute favorite she will stay on the swings for 30-45 minutes if you let her.
Kaia like this Irish Wolfhound the best it was the smallest one.
Which made it about her height

Getting doggie kisses
These one's were a little to big for her, I thought they were gorgeous.
The sheep getting a little to close

Kaia loved watching the herding events. We ended up watching several of the events.

Ready to go she thought we needed to bring her rocking chair with us.

This was not at the Irish Festival but cute none the less

Father's Day art project with the Mom's group