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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hooray for Cows

Yesterday Angela informed me it was Cow Appreciation Day. In Angela's words "It is a day made up by Chick-Fil-A, where you dress like a cow and get free chicken". So naturally we dressed up like cow's and got free food.
We ended up running into Kaia's cousins

Kiera and Cadence

Kaia helping Mason with his cow attire

Mason and Kaia making themselves comfortable on the restaurant floor

For those of you who remember her Thanksgiving outfit that's the skirt I just took out the red and orange and put in more brown. I love tutu's they are so versatile.

Okay I know its hard to see them but Kaia never climbs in the restaurant climbers (McDonald's, Chuck E Cheese etc) I was just so excited that she did it. I know its because of mason he brings out her adventurous side.