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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kaia the Talker

So Kaia has been talking up a little storm lately and coming up with new things to say. So here are a few little gems.

When Kaia gets very angry with you she now says "Go home and take a nap right now!" Regardless if you are home or not=).

We were at Mike's dad's house and Dakota has a snake it was time for him to eat so Kaia was watching (they feed him frozen mice so it is not so gruesome) and Kaia said that "Snakes like spicy food but she likes peas and bananas".

And last night when we were to going to bed Mike was a little gassy shall we say. Well Kaia did not like this at all she started yelling at Mike "Stop it Daddy I am trying to sleep!" I seriously could not stop laughing.

Well hopefully we will have some very exciting posts soon. I am due on Friday and really hope I don't make it till then today I think would be a lovely day to have a baby we will see.