Now I have to tell you all that I DESPISE PETA. I think that there are few organizations that I dislike more. While going to the circus they were protesting on the corner. That is all well and good, if they want to protest thats fine with me. They were yelling and screaming; again fine with me. Here is where I got angry they started to try and hand their pamphlets (with HORRIBLE pictures on them) stuff that no one should see to the CHILDREN! Yes, thats right not handing them to us (the adults) but trying to hand them to three year olds (Kaia included). When I told them "No, that this was not okay." They strated yelling more about how the circus is killing elephants and that the children should see the truth.
Here is my thing I don't like fantatics there are good and bad people but mainly if you are a fanatic you are just a crazy person. These people were fanatics trying to shove their propoganda on preschoolers. When we got to the line for the circus the PETA people were there again shouting their rhetoric with posters of horrible images showing them again to all the young children in the lines skipping the parents and instead going for the elementary and prescool age kids yelling mainly at them.
So I guess PETA feels that adults can see through their insanity and they are now going for an age group they can just terrify. Hoping to scare children into just fearing going to the Circus, Carnival, Zoo etc. Maybe they are just going for an age group that is to young to say anything back to them. I am not sure exactly who their campaign is targeted to, I just know that I sincerely despise them and I know there are many others that no longer will look on them as Fighter's for Animal Justice and instead look upon them as I do. As seriously confused and mentally unstable people trying to shove their completely age inapropriate propoganda down preschoolers throats.
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