Having friends over even Daddies friends are her friends=)
Books, reading stories and writing stories, then reading them back to Mommies and Daddies
Horsies, Bunnies, Hyenas and Baby Brothers
Being a princess, singing, and wearing jewelry
ballet, bubbles and barbies
anything sparkly like a princess
mac and cheese, noodles and potstickers
Delicious Peas
Any cheese i.e. string cheese, babybell, cheese pizza, cheese snikkidy snacks etc
Purple, blue, pink and yellow Dragons
Kaia Dislikes
Today she Declared that she thinks Penguins are evil...not sure if that is going to last
Bad guys and Bad snakes
green beans
Green Dragons- she claims the Green Dragon bites her daily. She does not like Green Dragons at ALL!
Squishy slimey things
Quote from Kaia
Kaia was sitting doing puzzles saying rhyming words. She then came running over to Mike and I and declared " Did you know that underpants go under your Pants?!" It was quite the realization=) 10/10/11
It was early in the morning and Kaia asked me to put on her cartoons. So I did and then I took Mikey into the other room to change his diaper. A few minutes later Kaia came running in the room and this is the conversation that took place...
Kaia "Mommy all the animals are going to DIE!"
Me "No, Kaia all the animals will be just fine".
Kaia "No, Mommy all the animals are going to DIE, unless we send them Money to show them we care, and then they will send us a t shirt and bag to let us know that the animals will be okay"
Me (after stifling back my laughter) "Kaia its okay it was a commercial and the animals will be okay".
Kaia "No Mommy the animals need our money right now!"
Quotes from Kaia
"Mommy I wrote something would you like me to read it to you" Me "Of course". Kaia " It says Mommy is beautiful like a crayon" 12/25/09
Quotes about Mason.
Mason is one of Kaia's favorite topics of discussion. So there will be many More Quotes about Mason.
" Mason will marry me and I will wear my pretty gray dress and he will help me twirl" 02/01/10
"Mason will save me and give me a flower"12/27/09
"Mason is my Friend he loves me" 12/27/09
"Mason likes to play with me and fight dragons" 12/27/09
"Mason is a boy and and Daddy is a Daddy not a boy" 12/27/09
We went to the zoo today and while Kaia was running she tripped and fell. She was crying then stopped suddenly and said" I need My Mason to hold my hadn so I don't fall, he will keep me safe" 12/30/09
Previous Quotes from Kaia
My Daddy is handsome. Daddy is BIG! I love Daddy soooo much! I kiss Daddy's nose. Daddy builds me castles. Daddy makes me mac and cheese. I make Daddy muffins with cups and 2 eggs. I like when daddy reads me books. I sit on Daddy's shoulders. Daddy likes green he wears green shirts. I love my Daddy, my Mommy and my Mikey. Daddy likes pancakes. My Daddy fixes it. (When I asked her what she just kept saying it) I go to the park wth Daddy, I like the swings. I am not beautiful, I am gorgeous. 07/30/09
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We went to Julian for the day and had so much fun!
Kaia carrying away her bag of jewels
Jewel Sleuthing
The gold run off. Mikey loved the little waterfall and was so attracted to it. He ended up falling over in the mud. When I picked him up and brushed away the mud his pants were covered in gold dust. they looked like they were gold pants!
Kaia finding her Jewels she actually found a TON!
We went on a Train Ride to an old Gold MineWe got to pan for Gold Kaia again found quite a bit Mikey tried looking for gold too. Kaia used her gold to buy some licorice Her gold was weighed and measured When Mikey saw that Kaia got licorice for her gold he headed back to the gold panning station We got to go into the old abandoned gold mine We also learned to use the old fashioned pump Mike and I had a race to see who could fill their bucket first I won Mikey watched desperately wanting to play in the water
Us on the train There was a Fort that we got to climb up to Mike, Kaia, and Mikey went on a ride in one of the Ore Cars Us in the cave the flash makes it look bright it was actually really dark in there Walking around Julian We had such a great time we ended up bringing home Kaia's jewels and an apple pie and apple cider!
We went to the circus with Angela, Mason and Jackson
Kaia got cotton candy and a cool circus hat
The circus was actually really awesome. I was totally surprised I did not expect for it to be as good as it was.
The kids had fun watching the elephants before the show.
Now I have to tell you all that I DESPISE PETA. I think that there are few organizations that I dislike more. While going to the circus they were protesting on the corner. That is all well and good, if they want to protest thats fine with me. They were yelling and screaming; again fine with me. Here is where I got angry they started to try and hand their pamphlets (with HORRIBLE pictures on them) stuff that no one should see to the CHILDREN! Yes, thats right not handing them to us (the adults) but trying to hand them to three year olds (Kaia included). When I told them "No, that this was not okay." They strated yelling more about how the circus is killing elephants and that the children should see the truth.
Here is my thing I don't like fantatics there are good and bad people but mainly if you are a fanatic you are just a crazy person. These people were fanatics trying to shove their propoganda on preschoolers. When we got to the line for the circus the PETA people were there again shouting their rhetoric with posters of horrible images showing them again to all the young children in the lines skipping the parents and instead going for the elementary and prescool age kids yelling mainly at them.
So I guess PETA feels that adults can see through their insanity and they are now going for an age group they can just terrify. Hoping to scare children into just fearing going to the Circus, Carnival, Zoo etc. Maybe they are just going for an age group that is to young to say anything back to them. I am not sure exactly who their campaign is targeted to, I just know that I sincerely despise them and I know there are many others that no longer will look on them as Fighter's for Animal Justice and instead look upon them as I do. As seriously confused and mentally unstable people trying to shove their completely age inapropriate propoganda down preschoolers throats.
Mikey rolled over at 5 Months
Mikey is now army crawling at 8 1/2 months
Mikey can stay sitting up if you put him in the position at 8 1/2 months
At 9 1/2 months he started pulling himself up and cruising
At 9 1/2 months Mikey started clapping and smiling very proudly
At 13 Months Mikey started walking
Quotes from Mikey
Mikey thinks the funniest things are stinky things. So when asked what he would like for Breakfast almost everyday the answer is "Apple Poopies" one day I took a melon baller and scooped "Apple Poopies" out of an apple. I thought I was very clever and that he would love them...he was not amused. 09-05-11
Liam Likes
Hugs and kisses His big brother and Sister
His puppies
Wild Kratts
Liam Dislikes
Being ignored: he likes all attention on him at all times Dirty diapers Being put down Liam likes being held at all times