Sorry the pics are so dark hopefully you can still see. We have been saving toilet paper and paper towel tubes for a little over a month now. And it is finally time to build our contraption.
I did not realize how into it Kaia would get. She really loved this and was so excited. I was amazed at how she totally took off and did her own thing it was just so incredible.
Connecting tubes on her own
Mikey was very supportive and gave his architectural expertise in cooing excitement
More support from the Mikey he felt we needed to use our toes more. There was definitely not enough using of the toes.
Almost done. Isn't that incredible though look at that corner. My daughter is a genius!
It definitely needs more tape
WHen Kaia needs more tape she needs more tape!
Okay maybe not that much tape time to cut off the excess
I see you!
The finished contraption time to test it with a marble
And it worked our marble made it successfully to the other side
Mikey was very excited. Obviously we had used our toes and created something wonderful.
Well almost done Kaia is a perfectionist and obviously yet again our contraption needed more tape
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