So today I had a Doctor's appointment and brought Kaia along usually I have someone watch her but today Mike had to go in to the office, so Kaia came along with me. One of the first things you do for the prenatal exam for those of you who don't know is give a urine sample. Now with Kaia along of course she came in the bathroom with me which is not unusual I have become accustomed to her presence during my potty times. What was unusual is there was a Dr.'s office full of patients and nurses/Dr.s on the other side of the door. So we went into the bathroom to leave my sample and Kaia starts yelling "Mommy what are you doing?" I explain Mommy is going potty. So Kaia starts yelling and kind of singing a song "Mommy is going peepee!" Over and Over again. Then she starts yelling "Mommy I see your tooshie". Now when I went into the bathroom there was one nurse outside when I got out there were five nurses laughing. As we walked back to the exam room she told everyone patients, nurses etc. we passed "my mommy went peepee". Now what's weird is that I realized I wasn't embarrassed at all I was just so proud of her verbal skills and I realized what a talker she has become. I have decided I am definitely bringing her to all my checkups from now on. If nothing else she keeps me laughing and entertained.
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