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Monday, April 27, 2009


We went to the OC Zoo Today. It was a lot of fun. We went with the playgroup so Kaia got to play with her friends.
Kaia and Savannah brushing a goat you can see Mason behind them
Some serious grooming going on

They were the most mellow goats I have ever seen. They seriously were sedated or something. They let the kids climb all over them and brush them.
Mason and Kaia brushing the same goat
We ate lunch by the lake and the peacocks, ducks and geese all came over hoping for a snack.

Kaia hates being part of any group picture. I have no idea why but I snapped this one before she could run away.

Kaia was clucking at the chicken
Kaia loved brushing all the goats and walking around the zoo.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Strawberry Fields

We went to Tanaka Farms with Angela, Mason and Jackson. Kaia and Mason had so much fun picking the strawberries and even more fun eating them. I think Kaia ate just as much as we brought home=)

Mike in the green shirt out in the field with Kaia
Eating strawberries together
Mike handed Kaia the basket to collect the strawberries and she started eating them right away.

You get to try all kinds of organic veggies on the way to the strawberry fields. Kaia loved the green beans.

Kaia was so excited when the wagon started moving

There is a cute little strawberry maze when you first walk into the tour area.

Renaissance Fair

So after eleven years of promising Mike finally took me to the renaissance fair. It was a lot of fun.

Kaia insisted we go see the horses right away. The only thing I regret is that we didn't take that many pictures of Kaia. I made her costume with my friend Diana and it turned out so cute everyone stopped us every five feet to take pictures of Kaia. Because of this though we never took out our camera till we got to the horses. So we only got a few pics while we were there.

I did take a whole bunch of pictures in our backyard of Kaia.

I love this picture doesn't she just look so mischievous. She was playing peek a boo behind the tree.

Thank you Diana for all your help with the costume the wings turned out fantastic thanks to you!