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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day Party and Crafts

Okay, this picture is not from Valentine's Day but i forgot to post it earlier and I finally have a picture of baby Ava so here it is Mason, Jackson ,Angela, baby Ava, me and Kaia.
Another picture of all of us. By the way our house is not generally so messy we were going through Kaia's old clothes for hand me down's and what not.

I love this picture of Kaia for some reason it reminds me of Mike. Hmmmm, I wonder why?

Our Valentine's day party, we had so much fun with all our friends. I was hoping that we could spend part of the time outside but it rained all day so our 22 guests were confined indoors. It got a little cramped but it was so much fun.

I didn't get many pictures once the party started but here is one.

Kaia knows that even horsies need love on Valentines Day!

Kaia showing her stickers for some reason she decided they needed to be on th bottom of her shoe.
Decorating the bottom of her shoe

We made chocolate covered strawberries

We also made chocolate lollipops as her Valentine's for all her friends

First thing in the morning we made a Valentine's Day gingerbread house!