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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Chanukah

Kaia playing with one of her presents a plush Menorah
Opening her present

She also got some books
Kaia's kitty cat Menorah when she saw it she wanted it so badly and for $1.50 how could I say no

Kaia's first Chanukah present of the year her very own plush Menorah

Reading a story she wrote to the baby

Kaia got a piece of Chaunkah gelt (chocolate coin) for the first night

Finding her piece of Chanukah gelt

She puts a candle in each night and gets a prize

Kaia's felt Chanukah menorah

Putting her candles up

Lighting the menorah

We have been talking to Kaia about her full name and now she has it down pretty good. The other day she was getting into one if the cupboards that she knew she shouldn't have. I said "Kaia Grace" without even blinking she said "Lowrey". It made me laugh so here she is saying her name.
