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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bedtime and Kite Flying

Okay so maybe not bedtime and flying a kite atthe same time but flying a kite can be rather exhausting especially when you are a Daddy who is forced to just hold a Kite in the air so it looks like its flying for hours on end.

The kids love their Little Partners Stand

I found Kaia snuggled in her bed reading a book

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Silly Pics

Okay so the first one isn't so silly but cute. Kaia pulled up her stool put a paper up on her board and started "writing"
This one is silly. Mikey totally looks like a little underwear model in this picture!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kaia's Birthday

We made yummy cupcakes Kaia wanted white cupcakes with white frosting and a cherry on top thats what she got.
Papa and Uncle Dak

Not sure what's going on here, but its cute regardless.

Kaia giving Jackson a kiss

Kaia was a pro with the baseball bat

Besides the Pinata we hid treasures in the grass
The cupacakes. We actually cute out each "4" glued them to a circle that we also cut out and the taped them to toothpicks to make the cute cupcake toppers.

Mikey and Papa

Kaia and Andrew ... she really loves the Bishops

Kaia and her friend Mia


Kaia and her Uncle Tony

We had crown crafts so everyone could be a Prince or Princess

Grandma Shelly and Aunt Jo

Kaia Birthday Morning

Adorable little Mikey
Okay some explanation.
For Kaia's Birthday she asked for four things she wanted:
1. a Woodie Doll
2. a Buzz Doll
3. a Ferb doll
4. a Jessie doll
She had been asking for these things everyday for about a whole month maybe more before her birthday all the way up to the day of her Birthday. When she opened her first presen though...
She changed her mind. The one and ONLY thing she wanted was a Jessie doll

She lucked out the last present she opened was a Jessie doll so all was right with the world.
Good Job Mike!

Mikey was happy with her disinterest in her other dolls he was thrilled to play with Buzz Lightyear all morning long.