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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kaia the Magnificent

Grannie Annie got Kaia a very cool new hat. Kaia has deemed it her magic hat.
It is super cute she stuffs things in the hat. Puts it on her head says the magic words then Poof! Magic she pulls things from the hat
Ooops! i guess i just gave away her magic trick. I would soo get her kicked out of the magicians alliance.

Mikey the Adorable

We went to the park and did spin art with friends
Mikey was adorable

Mikey the Architect

Mikey loves blocks he will army crawl over to the toy bins pull the block bin down and sort through finding the best blocks there are.
Mikey does this everyday muyltiple times a day

So I am totally cnvinced that Mikey is going to be an architect.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Leaf Exploration

I love Sid the Science Kid! Why you ask, well look at Kaia.
We watched Sid the Science Kid that morning and she learned about leaves and plants and how they grow.

She grabbed her magnifying glass and told me we had to go outside to discover leaves!

We also made a leaf collage

We were also able to smell the leaves she did not like the spearment but did like the allspice.

Mikey's First Finger Painting

I made Mikey rice cereal but he was completely uninterested. Which is unusual for him he is a big eater. I decided instead of letting the food go to waste to turn it into fingerpaint. So here it is Mikey's first fingerpainting.