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Friday, December 25, 2009

Bead Mazes and Sleepy time Books

How does Kaia fall asleep well with a good book of course

ready for bedtime Mikey loves bead mazes so Kaia has decided she does as well

Fun in the Ballpit

We have a ballpit in the kids room that has become more of a toypit at this point. Kaia likes throwing her stuffed animals in there and rolling around. Well she decided Mikey had to get in on the action as well.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holiday Party at Jen's and a day with Ava

We were very lucky and got to spend a day with Ava. It was so much fun hopefully we will get to do it again soon.

Mikey my big boy

We went to a playdate at Jen's for Holiday fun

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas at Papa's and Grandma's

We went to Mike's Dads for a Chrismas part. Kaia had fun playing with her cousins
Mikey got the cutest hat ever! Kaia got a matching one too. Thanks Aunt Dori.

I made brownies with the brownie maker Mama Julie got me. Thanks

You can kind of see I tried to make snowfalkes on the brownie

Kaia wore "the m ost beautiful dress in the whole world" her exact words. It did need a green necklace to make it just right though

Monday, December 21, 2009

Chanukah at the Park

We went to the park with my friends Sue and lauren and their children to light the candles for the fifth night. Kaia brought her Kitty menorah that she picked out herself.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Chanukah

Playing Dreidle with Daddy and Mikey

Kaia's dreidle she made out of clay
Lighting the candles