So for those of you who do not know we had an ultrasound at sixteen weeks and over and over again we were told we were having a girl. We have about 20 ultrasound pictures with girl typed across them and a DVD which states several times this is a girl. So we were excited and realized hooray other than a double stroller and carseat we were done there is nothing else we need. Well on 01/16/09 I had another dr.'s appointment with an ultrasound. Mike was sick so I ended up going alone. I went in sat on the table the ultrasound tech came in and asked if I wanted to know if we were having a girl or a boy. I told her we already had an ultrasound and new we were having a girl. She said okay and then started the procedure. The very moment she put the scanner on my belly she said "Well this baby has a penis and testicles so I don't think you are having a girl". I freaked out and made her keep showing me over and over again. And there was no mistaking it our daughter had a penis. So now we are proud to announce we will be having a son. We are very excited but have noticed the abundance of pink and purple and realize there are some definite big changes to come. Kaia has decided the babies name will be "Monkey" and there seems to be no changing that at the moment so Hooray for Monkey's and big surprises.