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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Thanks

So I first want to thank my parents for giving us our first Thanksgiving of the year. It was yummy and wonderful and I appreciate you going out of your way for us. Second I want to thank Kaia's Grandma and Papa for having us over it was so much fun. Kaia loved playing with her cousins and seeing everyone and so did we. Thank you also to Maria for the awesome game. Thirdly I would like to thank everyone who came on Friday you truly are our second family. We are just so thankful for all of you. Whether you know it or not you are all a huge part of Kaia's life and you are helping to make her who she is. For that we thank you all.

Now for everyone who was not here I have a game for you =)

I will post the answers at the bottom of the posting, try not to cheat i know it is very tempting.

Instructions: For each of the following 36 "equations", there is a unique and very logical solution. There are no trick questions, but the answers require a lot of thought. To start you off, here is an example to show you how it is done: 12-M in a Y= months in a year
1. 7-W of the W
2. 54- C in a P (with the J)
3. 12-S of the Z
4. 8-P of the SS
5. 88-K on a P
6. 13-S on the A F
7. 99-B of B on the W
8. 32- D F at which W F
9. 18- H on a GC
10. 90- D in a RA
11. 200-D for PG in M
12. 3-BM (SHTR)
13. 24-H in a D
14. 1-H on a U
15. 64-S on a CB
16. 57-HV
17. 60-S in a M
18. 29- D in F in a LY
19. 76-T in the BP
20. 8-S on a SS
21. 13-L in a BD
22. 26- L in the A
23. 24- BB in a P
24. 40- D and N of L
25. 15-Dof L=1 H
26. 4-S of the Y
27. 12-I in a F
28. 1-G on a R
29. 4-Qin a G
30. 5-D in aZC
31. 1001-A N
32. 50-W to L Y L
33. 7-B for S B
34. 9-J of the S C
35. 12-D of C
36. 8-N of H

Erika, Angela and Me. We are all pregnant and Erika is due on Thursday!
James and Chrystal
Our biggest reason for having our Friends Thanksgiving (which I have decided will become a yearly tradition)
Mason and Kaia playing the piano
Mason and his bowl of veggie chips
The kids table

Punkin made all our aprons aren't they so cute. Thank you so much for the aprons and for helping get everything ready as well as all the yummy pies.
I made Kaia a Thanksgiving tutu when Mason saw it he decided he needed a tutu as well.

In the morning I decided to make cinnamon buns , Kaia's new favorite.

Kaia and her blue face she was coloring with her cousins and some how it made it to her mouth
Kaia and her cousins Chloe and Mason
Mason and his Aunt

Kaia discovered many new and exciting ways to use her napkin. One of which is Peek A Boo
Where did she go?

Another way to use your napkin a fashionable hat

Kaia and her favorite Nena
Mike taking his areal shots

Mason reading a book with his Aunt
Kaia and her Grandma Shelley
All the kids
Mason and Kaia playing with Nena

Nikki and her son
The boys playing

Kaia and Chloe
Kaia and Mason

Aunt Dori reading a book to Kaia

Playing with Daddy
Kaia and her Papa

Are you ready for the answers?
1. wonders of the world
2. cards in a pack wit the joker
3. signs of the zodiac
4. planets of the Solar System (yes we are counting Pluto)
5. Keys on a piano
6. Stripes on the American Flag
7. bottles of beer on the wall
8. degrees farenheit at which water frezzes
9. holes on a golf course
10. degrees in a right angle
11. dollars for passing go in Monopoly
12. blind mice see how they run
13. hours in a day
14. horn on a unicorn or handle on a umbrella
15. squares on a chess board
16. heinz variety
17. seconds ina minute
18. days in February in a leap year
19. trombones in the big parade
20. sides on a stop sign
21. loaves ina bakers dozen
22. letters inthe alphabet
23. blackbirds baked in a pie
24. days and nights of lent
25. degrees of longitude in 1 hour
26. seasons of the year
27. inches in a foot
28. groove on a record
29. quarts ina gallon or quarters ina game
30. digits in a zipcode
31. arabian nights
32. ways to leave your lover
33. brides for seven brothers
34. judges of the supreme court'
35. days of Christmas
36. Nights of Hanukah

Monday, November 17, 2008


At the Apple Orchard it rained every day we were in Washing ton and on this day it was very foggy as well. It was gorgeous!
Kaia and Daddy off to find some apples

Grandpa Paul picking apples

Grandpa Paul, Daddy and Kaia making sure they only get the good ones =)
The apples were awesome we made carrot apple juice everyday after for breakfast and it is now Kaia's favorite.

Kaia and Daddy at the Apple Orchard
Me, Kaia, Grandpa Paul, and Daddy

Grandma Julie and Kaia

Making sure that the apples are good

Our bucket of apples
Munching on some tasty apples

Look they are yummy
Walking up to the apple orchard, you have to walk through all the squash to get there

Making our way through to the apples

Kaia couldn't wait she had to eat an apple right away

After picking Apples we went to a candy shop down the road and in the back they had Llamas and roosters

You can see an rooster escaped Kaia loved them and calls them Cockles because of the sounds they made
Looking at the Llamas
The super huge Rooster this one was twice the size of any of the others

At the mall play area Kaia had a lot of fun and was able to get out some of her energy

The tree slide was her favorite
Super super fast

Kaia made a new friend named Libby they played so well together they both had that strong type A personality. Which was perfect for both of them. Kaia just needs another child who can hold their own with her.
Helping Grandma make the Turkey for our early thanksgiving
Helping with spices

So innocent right, this child would never try and take steal a whole turkey.
Or maybe she would

My Dad has a dog named Bear. Bear is a Leonberger. He is absolutely gorgeous and the size of a pony. I wish I had taken a picture that showed his size a little better these pictures just don't do him justice.
Bear was very fast, Kaia absolutely loved him and after feeding him a cookie demanded that Bear get some cheese. It is Kaia's favorite treat and also Bears. I think they may have bonded over this commonality.

Eating our early Thanksgiving. Kaia apparently loves sugar snap peas we knew she loved peas. Infact, she will eat peas over just about any other food the only exception may be cheese. This is slightly embarrassing or maybe just a little gross but she was even putting them in her ice cream and eating them.
Grandma Julie and Grandpa Paul
Yummy Yummy

At the arcade having fun

She loved this game it was a Star Wars game I think she knew her Uncle Tony would like it
Getting into the game
Hooray for ski ball
Kaia loved it. She actually throws very well

Grandpa played with her
Catching the ball after it didn't quite make it to the end

Kaia's well earned tickets