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Monday, June 23, 2008

Irish Fair Fairy

So we had so much fun at the Irish Fair despite the heat. It did take us about 45 minutes to get all the way in to the fair. people constantly stopped us because they wanted to take pictures of Kaia. She loved it. Anytime Kaia is the center of attention she is happy. Everyone just loved her.

Kaia made Mike take her to the Irish wolfhounds but as soon as she was there by them she was not so sure she wanted to touch them.
Kaia watching the sheep, we watched the herding events.

One of the vendors who took a picture of Kaia gave her a balloon from his company.
She loved the balloon

Kaia saw the wolf hounds and started to say SHHHH!
Kaia and Aunt Punkin saying SHHH! to the doggies.

Playdate at our house

We had a really fun playdate at our house. I didn't take enough pictures though. We had a playdough table set up, all kinds of different textured paints. The pool, water table, bubbles, and sandbox were all setup and the kids went on wagon rides through the backyard. Everyone had a blast.
Kaia running though the paint area

Water table and sandbox, nest time I will take more pictures there were actually 15 kids over butI was so busy once everyone was here I forgot to take all the pictures everyone playing.
When it started getting hot the older kids decided it was time to strip. =)


Kaia feeding her baby limes
Kaia loves taking care of her baby
Kaia's best friends name is Ashley. Ashley has four dogs who bark a lot. Whenever we go to Ashley's house Kaia and Ashley say SHHHHH! to the dogs. Now whenever Kaia hears a dog or see's a dog she says's SHHHHH! So in the morning when I was feeding her breakfast and our neighbors dog started barking guess what Kaia did?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kaia the Musician

Kaia picked up the pillows put them one the chair then picked up her little piano put it up there as well and then climbed up herself. She made herself comfortable as you can see and then began playing.

Kaia and her Uncle Tony

Kaia her Uncle Tony in her play house

Kaia and Uncle Tony playing on the trampoline

Kaia and Daddy's Day out

Kaia and Daddy at the park

Kaia and Daddy at the beach
Building sand castles

More pictures at the park

Kaia and her Trampoline

Kaia in the Yard

Kaia and her friend Ashley playing at the easel
Kaia picking nasturtium seeds with Grandma. This is one of her favorite things to do. She has become quite the expert. She also insists on wearing Grandma's sweater. But only that one she has claimed it as her own she loves the stripey sweater.
Kaia carrying her container of her recently procured seeds.
I just thought this was so cute. Sometimes Kaia just seems so big to me, but in this picture you can see how small she really is.
Kaia sometimes dumps out the seeds in the grass and then goes searching for them.

Kaia's morning wagon ride wtih the bunny
The bunny now comes running to the door of her hutch when she hears the wagon coming. Kaia and Ashley eating lunch at her little table.
Kaia in her house with Ashley they had so much fun together
They would run around the yard and then play in the house and pretend to hide

Kaia walking on her pathway
Kaia painting with her tadoodles
Kaia playing with her bouncy ball
Kaia in her new sandbox

Kaia loves pouring and sifting the sand in her sandbox and burying her little toes

Blowing bubbles is now Kaia's specialty As you can see